/Поглед.инфо/ Организирано от Софийска филхармония / Sofia Philharmonic и Фестивал "ИЗКУСТВОТО НА БАРОКА" / Sofia Baroque Arts Festival

18 октомври, зала „България”, 19:00 ч.
Kонцерти от Дармщат - Телеман, Граупнер, Фаш
Ерик Босграаф - блокфлейта,
Уей Хунг – блокфлейта,
Сабина Йорданова – фагот,
Зефира Вълова – цигулка и диригент,
Софийска филхармония, с участието на Алесандро Пиану - чембало

Билети на касата на зала "България", ул. Аксаков 1


18th Ocotober, Bulgaria hall, 19:00 h
Concerts for Darmstadt - Telemann, Graupner, Fasch

Erik Bosgraaf – recorder
Wei Hung – recorder
Sabina Yordanova – bassoon
Alessandro Pianu – harpsichord
Zefira Valova – violin and leader
Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra

The Golden age of music at the Darmstadt court began with the regency of Landgrave Ernst Ludwig. He kept as kapellmeister Christoph Graupner for nearly 50 year. Hes duties included composing and writing instrumental and vocal music, which soon made the colletction one of the most impressive of variety and number of compositions in Germnay. The star of the recorder Erik Bosgraaf will perform virtuoso concerts by Telemann, Fasch and Graupner in the shining company of young early music specialists and in collaboration with the Sofia Philharmonc Orchestra.

Tickets: Ticket office Bulgaria Hall, str. Aksakov 1


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